We are wildly and dangerously free.

John O'Donohue, Aram Cara

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Falling Isn’t the Only Way to Feel Alive

A variation of a really old joke:

A man falls from the top of a skyscraper and as he falls, he hears someone call out from a window, “You OK?”

He yells back: “So far so good!” 

Let’s face it, we are all hurtling toward our inevitable end. Isn’t that the response we offer all too often – as the wind hits our face: So far so good?


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And now, the paintings!

Here on view are Marilyn Perry’s paintings in their entirety, not in pieces! 

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We Think That Real Change Requires Work

We think that real change and transformation require work. We hear things like, s(he) did a lot of work on her/himself. It’s going to take hard work.

Images of years of meditation in unheated ashrams fill our minds – and other impractical practices beyond our reach…

What if I tell you we first have to make you stop working so hard at “it”?

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We Have a Choice Even When We Feel We Don’t

Who hasn’t been in a tough situation, so tough we weren’t sure we could survive? Between a rock and a hard place. Fight or flight. And flight may not even have been an option. Freeze, sure, but you’re as angry with yourself as you are with the injustice, the shattered expectations, the betrayal.

Still there are people to blame and humiliation to swallow. We look as others pass us by, on the fast lane to somewhere. Add self-pity and a dose of regret.

So what choice do we have? 

“I would love to live like a river flows, carried by the surprise of its own unfolding.”

John O'Donoghue